Recently on Lambda the Ultimate there was a post called "Total Functional Programming". The title didn't catch my eye particularly, but I tend to read the abstract of any paper that is posted there that doesn't sound terribly boring. I've found that this is a fairly good strategy since I tend to get very few false positives this way and I'm too busy for false negatives. The paper touches directly and indirectly on subjects I've posted about here before. The idea is basically to eschew the current dogma that programming languages should be Turing-complete, and run with the alternative to the end of supplying "Total Functional Programming" . At first glance this might seem to be a paper aimed at "hair-shirt" wearing functional programming weenies. My reading was somewhat different. Most hobbiest mathematicians have some passing familiarity with "Turing's Halting Problem" and the related "Goedel's Inco...
This is Gavin Mendel-Gleason's technical blog.