For the current research project I'm working on, we're using and RDF triple-store and need to be able to store a large numbers of triples, and assure that after any update a number of constraints are satisfied on the structure of the triples according to our ontology. In order to implement inserts, updates and deletes, they need to be packaged up inside of a transaction that only commits if the constraints are satisfied in the final image of the triple store. This means we need a way to do a post-condition driven transaction. One easy way to implement this is to simply copy the entire database, run the insert/update/delete statements and see if we satisfy the transaction. If we are changing enormous numbers of triples, it might indeed be the fastest and most reasonable approach. If we are only changing one triple however, this seems a totally mad procedure. There is another approach and I'll describe it as follows. Let's assume that our constraint predicate...
This is Gavin Mendel-Gleason's technical blog.