I was playing around with the Peano numerals in Haskell (as I often do), because I remember briefly reading about a generalisation of exponentiation in a paper once when I didn't have time to read it. I decided I'd quickly look at it again now that I was in a mood to procrastinate. > data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving Show This data type is usually identified with the peano numerals. In fact as we will see, in haskell it isn't quite the natural numbers. We take Z to mean 0 and take (S n Z) or (S (S (S ... Z))) n times, to mean n. It's basically a unary number system where the length of the string gives us the number. It is pretty straightforward to write the basic arithmetic operations on the peano numerals. > add x Z = x > add x ( S y ) = S ( add x y ) > mult x Z = Z > mult x ( S y ) = add x ( mult x y ) > expt x Z = ( S Z ) > expt x ( S y ) = mult x ( expt x y ) Here we can see an extension of this series fairly easil...
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